Sunday, October 4, 2020

Our role in the social activity.

Sathwik Bharath NGO can have an active role in the following areas:

 Community Health Promotion and Education
o Contraception and Intimacy Education 
o General Hygiene
o Waste Disposal
o Water Usage
o Vaccinations
o Youth Counseling Services

 Emerging health crises
o HIV/AIDS education and support
o Hepatitis B education
o Drug Addiction recovery

 Community Social Problems
o Juvenile crimes
o Runaway girls
o Street Children
o Prostitution

 Environmental
o Sustainable water and energy consumption education
o Keeping mountains and forests clean

 Economic
o Microenterprises and Micro-loans
o Skill training (Computers, technician training, Catering services, clothing and 
textile, etc.)
o Product promotion and distribution (Bazaars etc.)
o Cooperative creation
o Financial consulting
o Career services and job search assistance

 Development
o School construction
o Infrastructure construction
o Cultural center construction and operation
o Agriculture and Aquaculture expert assistance

 Women’s Issues
o Women and Children’s Rights
o Battered women assistance center
o Group therapy for sexually abused women
o Counseling hotlines (telephone-based counseling services for women)
o Legal assistance to women
o Literacy drives

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