Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Covid-19 Response Impact Story.

Sathwik Bharath ( R) is willing to strongly take the issues related with TB ,HIV and bp Diabetes patients or their family members including a person with a disability. These groups have always needed good health and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of disease in other healthy persons.
We are planning to do work in the upcoming weeks and months;

1.Awareness and prevention measures for COVID in karnataka state where we are already working
Circulating correct information and addressing queries regarding COVID-19.
2.Promoting to WASH (Hand Wash, General health and hygiene, sanitation and cough etiquette).
3.Providing support to poor people who don't have access to soaps, sanitizers and mask to safeguard themselves from COVID-19.
4.Providing livelihood support to poor people who have lost their daily wage work due to lockdown.
5.Providing support to migrant labourer's and their family, those who do not have food to eat.
Salient Features
*To reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in high-risk vulnerable populations
*To provide livelihood support to people affected by COVID-19
*To provide support to the poor people who do not have essential daily needs
About Sathwik Bharath (R.)
Sathwik Bharath is working in karnataka state of India, and covering approx 2000 vulnerable populations through our existing projects.

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