Friday, May 22, 2020

Entitlement campaign: covid-19

State and Central government have declared many schemes and also decided to carry out few proactive interventions for the benefit of BPL families. Sathwik Bharath will make the community aware about these entitlements and help them to access it. The required forms will be collected/printed, requisite documents that family’s need to be produce to access entitlements will be checked and families who do not have these documents will be provided support to arrange the papers from Panchayat and other government departments. 

Sathwik Bharath will engage volunteers from the community to carry out awareness building and entitlement campaigns. The Volunteers will be educated on risk, precautionary measures and treatment of Covid-19 and instructed to take all precautionary measures while doing the campaign in the community. They will strictly follow government’s guideline on hygiene and social distancing measures while implementing the programs at community level.

Coronavirus: How to cook, eat and store food during the pandemic, according to WHO

With the number of coronavirus cases crossing 4 million worldwide, people across the globe are trying to be extra careful every day. Masks, gloves and sanitisers are regular domestic objects now. But one thing many seem to be concerned about is food. And while there is no evidence that COVID-19 can be transmitted through food, the WHO has issued guidelines to help keep food safer in these times. After all, a little extra safety can't hurt. 
Apply that rule to cooking and eating as well.  Along with making sure that you wash your hands before handling food, also wash and sanitise surfaces and equipment used for food preparation. This will help eliminate any potentially harmful microorganisms from your food.  In preparing and storing food, make sure to separate raw meat and fish from other foods. Designate a separate cutting board and knives for raw foods to avoid any intermingling.

Raw meat and seafood can contain dangerous microorganisms, so store them in containers to keep them isolated from other foods.  Cook all foods- meat, seafood as well as vegetarian dishes- really well. This will help kill dangerous microorganisms, making the food safer for consumption. If you plan to eat something out of the refrigerator, make sure to reheat it so it is steaming hot.

 Cook all foods- meat, seafood as well as vegetarian dishes- really well. This will help kill dangerous microorganisms, making the food safer for consumption. If you plan to eat something out of the refrigerator, make sure to reheat it so it is steaming hot.  Practising safety when storing food is equally important. Refrigerate all cooked and perishable foods and avoid leaving cooked food at room temperature for too long.

Heat food well prior to serving and refrigerate leftovers immediately.  Microorganisms can multiply fast at room temperature, but at temperatures below 5°C or above 60°C, their growth slows down or stops.  When purchasing produce or meat, make sure it is safe and fresh. Wash fruits and vegetables with clean water, especially if they are to be consumed raw.

 For packaged foods, take the time to check the labels and avoid consuming anything beyond expiry.  Even raw materials like water and ice can sometimes be contaminated with unwanted microorganisms and chemicals. So make sure to use water that is safe, or treat it to make it safe for consumption.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Covid-19 Response Impact Story.

Sathwik Bharath ( R) is willing to strongly take the issues related with TB ,HIV and bp Diabetes patients or their family members including a person with a disability. These groups have always needed good health and hygiene practices to prevent the spread of disease in other healthy persons.
We are planning to do work in the upcoming weeks and months;

1.Awareness and prevention measures for COVID in karnataka state where we are already working
Circulating correct information and addressing queries regarding COVID-19.
2.Promoting to WASH (Hand Wash, General health and hygiene, sanitation and cough etiquette).
3.Providing support to poor people who don't have access to soaps, sanitizers and mask to safeguard themselves from COVID-19.
4.Providing livelihood support to poor people who have lost their daily wage work due to lockdown.
5.Providing support to migrant labourer's and their family, those who do not have food to eat.
Salient Features
*To reduce the risk of COVID-19 infection in high-risk vulnerable populations
*To provide livelihood support to people affected by COVID-19
*To provide support to the poor people who do not have essential daily needs
About Sathwik Bharath (R.)
Sathwik Bharath is working in karnataka state of India, and covering approx 2000 vulnerable populations through our existing projects.

Covid-19 Response

COVID-19 outbreak has severely impacted our livelihoods in India. Sathwik Bharath (R.) is reaching out to help and we need your support for communities living in and around southern ghats coastal areas who plays a critical role in conserving our natural resources.
The #COVID19 pandemic cannot be said to have gone unnoticed as it crashes around the globe. 

But the virus has taken one of the heaviest tolls in residential homes for elderly people, who need a very special level of care. 

Very quickly, as the nature of this disease unfolded, care homes for elderly people became a focus for Sathwik Bharath (R.) in Karnataka.

Donate now
Help us to help you

Friday, May 15, 2020

Founder's day ( Ugadi )

Sathwik Bharath (R.) Founder's day celebration. Thank you all for your support ❤️🙏
ಓಂ ಅಸತೋಮ ಸದ ಗಮಯ 
ತಮಸೋಮಾ ಜ್ಯೋತಿರ್ಗಮಯ
 ಮೃತ್ಯೋರ್ಮ ಅಮೃತಮ್ ಗಾಮಯ
 ಓಂ ಶಾಂತಿ ಶಾಂತಿ ಶಾಂತಿಃ

Migrant workers.. International standard

International Labour Standards on Migrant workers

The growing pace of economic globalization has created more migrant workers than ever before. Unemployment and increasing poverty have prompted many workers in developing countries to seek work elsewhere. It is estimated that 73 per cent of migrants are workers. In industrialized countries, demand for labour, especially unskilled labour, has increased. As a result, millions of workers and their families travel to countries other than their own to find work. Considerable efforts have been made over recent years to obtain reliable and comparable data on labour migration. However, as noted by the ILO and the international community, there remain significant gaps. In response, the ILO has published global and regional estimates of migrant workers. According to these estimates, there are at present approximately 244 million migrants around the world, representing 3.3 per cent of the global population. Women make up almost half of migrants. (Note 1) Migrant workers contribute to the economies of their host countries, and the remittances they send home help to boost the economies of their countries of origin. Yet, migrant workers often benefit from inadequate social protection and are vulnerable to exploitation and human trafficking. Skilled migrant workers are less vulnerable to exploitation, but their departure deprives some developing countries of the valuable labour needed for their own economies. ILO standards on migration provide tools for both countries of origin and of destination to manage migration flows and ensure adequate protection for this vulnerable category of workers.

Relevant ILO instruments
Migration for Employment Convention (Revised), 1949 (No. 97)  - [ratifications ] 
Requires ratifying states to facilitate international migration for employment by establishing and maintaining a free assistance and information service for migrant workers and taking measures against misleading propaganda relating to emigration and immigration. Includes provisions on appropriate medical services for migrant workers and the transfer of earnings and savings. States have to apply treatment no less favourable that that which applies to their own nationals in respect to a number of matters, including conditions of employment, freedom of association and social security.
Migrant Workers (Supplementary Provisions) Convention, 1975 (No. 143)  - [ratifications ] 
Provides for measures to combat clandestine and illegal migration while at the same time setting forth the general obligation to respect the basic human rights of all migrant workers. It also extends the scope of equality between legally resident migrant workers and national workers beyond the provisions of the 1949 Convention to ensure equality of opportunity and treatment in respect of employment and occupation, social security, trade union and cultural rights, and individual and collective freedoms for persons who as migrant workers or as members of their families are lawfully within a ratifying state's territory. Calls upon ratifying states to facilitate the reunification of families of migrant workers legally residing in their territory.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

From the Managing director desk

The year 2019-2020 has brought us mixed experience s. A comprehensive survey was launched to find the missing people, students since inception.
Still about 10 % Of the students could not trained. The major drawings out of survey is every year ,400 + students would be scored more next three years and about 200+ are already joined for higher studies through various programs of Sathwik Bharath NGO.
Youth program was a new program launched. We are one of the effective technology users in social sector. We are communicated through SMS , emails, and phone calls. There by reduced the cost of operations. Mr.Ganesh Naik Sirsi won inspire award 2020 in Sirsi Taluk and participated for district level competition.
During the year , organization raised about 1lakh from the  new sources , reduced the dependence on a single source . Volunteers includeing student volunteers as ever contributed through out of the year.

Plan highlights 2020 - 21
* Planned to reach 2000 students in karnataka.
*To raise funds through new sources.
*To support this open a small facility in Bangaluru so also to strengthen Retail marketing.
*For the self help group women's we will continue to empower social entrepreneurship by using local resources like computer training , tailoring, beautitian course s etc
* We are seeking advice and mentorship from the NGO advisor s and foundations.

1. There is a severe shortage of volunteers
2.Admission of women to tailoring courses were affected to the extent of 15,%
“Due to the lockdown Covid-19 crisis, we could not teach the children anymore. But that doesn’t mean they should not get food because we were providing them ration kits” Shriram Suresh Hegde.

I thank all the donor s both foundation and individual s members of trust volunteers students women's of SHGs and members of staff for contribution to the Sathwik Bharath mission and for their support and cooperation s. Let us look forward to the completion of our services to the community.

With Regards
Shriram Suresh Hegde
Managing Director
Sathwik Bharath (R.)

Sathwik Vidya

Sathwik Vidya program : Managing director/ Trustee Shriram Suresh Hegde

An Appeal

A Premier NGO in education, enviromental and rural development
With the invaluable support from our prestigious donors we are able to reach more than thousands of under previleged girl child so far, to continue their college education and sustained life. We are caring their education, health and created the better living environment in their tribal. We are providing basic material s like books,bag, bedsheets,dress etc. Sathwik Vidya
Centre for development of life skills
- providing training. However we could not assist thousands of childs due to resource limitation we request the community to join hands with us in supporting these child to build a strong , healthy and educated Society.

Donation option

* Donation through cheques/DD
The cheque/ DD to be drawn in favour of " Sathwik Bharath" payable at Sirsi and sent it to the Registered and co-ordinating office along with filled in Donor Form enclosed in this Appeal.

* Donation through electronic transfer.
Transfer your donation amount to following Sathwik Bharath's Bank account directly.
The filled in Donor Form ( Details of donation) to be sent to Sathwik Bharath ® co ordinating / Registered office SIRSI.

  • Name of Bank: Canara bank
  • Account in the name of ' SATHWIK BHARATH
  • Account number:520101166885

  • IFSC code: CNRB0000520
  • Type of account (Savings)
  • Contact number: 9535985789